
  The Power of Experience: How Experiential Learning Ignites Passion for Mathematics Keywords: Experiential learning: Learning through direct experiences, activities, or firsthand encounters, emphasizing practical engagement over theoretical instruction. Interest: A feeling of curiosity, engagement, or enthusiasm towards a particular subject or activity, in this context, mathematics. Passion: A strong and intense emotion or enthusiasm for a subject, often driving sustained interest and dedication. Abstract: In the evolving landscape of mathematics education, this article delves into the profound impact of experiential learning as a catalyst for igniting a genuine passion for the subject among students. The focal point of this exploration is the transformative potential that experiential learning holds in making the intricate world of mathematics more tangible and relevant. Experiential learning, with its emphasis on direct engagement and hands-on activities, bridges the gap between abs

Article - The Power of Experience: How Experiential Learning Ignites Passion for Mathematics

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